Sap Next-Gen Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab.

The laboratory was established in partnership with SAP company with the aim to train highly qualified personnel of international level, as well as expand applied research activities in the field of modern ICT and innovative business solutions.

WIUT, which is a member of SAP University Alliance since 2015, expands cooperation with SAP in the field of intelligent data processing, predictive analytics and digital marketing for the implementation of joint projects and innovative business solutions.

Within the framework of this laboratory, university students engage in the development and testing of IT solutions for the credit and financial sectors based on the blockchain, machine learning and big data analysis. The students of WIUT also get access to SAP platform solutions. In particular, they are trained in data analysis on the SAP S4 / HANA platform. In addition, SAP provides students access to the same training courses and programs as in Germany, the United States and other countries.

“WIUT aims to bring the best international educational practices in the field of university training for young professionals in Uzbekistan. In addition to the latest equipment and technology from SAP, students working at the SAP Next-Gen Lab get access to various training courses, hackathons and master classes,” – said Laziz Adkhamov, Managing Director of SAP Uzbekistan.

The opening of the laboratory also contributes to the expansion of training courses and programs of WIUT for the study of SAP solutions (SAP Cloud Platform, S / 4HANA, stack of innovative solutions of SAP Leonardo). Projects implemented within the framework of the SAP Next-Gen Lab activities will be included in the student workload, which will allow students to obtain confirmation of practical skills during the main educational process.